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[스크랩] She`s stunning! 눈에 확띠는 그녀

by 노란장미(아이다) 2013. 11. 15.

May : Wow, isn't she pretty? She's stunning!

John : Yeah, she seems kind of attractive but not my type.

May : You must be joking. Look at her facial features and her hairstyle. And the way she moves around. I think she's definitely the one I would go and ask for a date, if I were a man.

John : Stop talking nonsense, May. She doesn't look that special. From my point of view, she's more plain looking.

May : Really? What kind of woman do you find it attractive then?

John : I know you might say I'm still old fashioned. But I believe the chemistry between two people. Like what you and I had on our first date.


* stunning : 기절시키는, 놀라게 하는, 아연하게 하는; 곤혹케 하는
* a ~ announcement 아연 실색케 하는 발표
* facial features : 특색이 없는, 단조로운
* talking nonsense : 말도 안 되는 소리를 하는
* point of view : ~의 관점
* old fashioned : 구식인
* chemistry : 화학적 성질, 불가사의한 힘

출처 : 4050 English Cafe
글쓴이 : 시리우스 원글보기
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